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Apple Crumble


We are living through so many answered prayers. If we sat and listed them, we would be amazed. For me, there are some prayers I had even forgotten I had prayed for, but God didn’t forget. I have noticed over the last few years, last year especially, many positives that have been happening internally and that is the testimony that I want to share.

Before writing this, I heard a sermon about Daniel and how he had an Excellent Spirit in him. This Excellent Spirit was responsible for 2 miracles in the story. One we all recognise; the lions didn’t maul Daniel to death for lunch or dinner or whatever potential meal they could have had. The second is that Daniel’s attitude to God did not change whether he was facing his window to pray or whether he was put in the lion’s den. He remained the same faithful servant even in adversity. When I grow up, I want to be like Daniel. I want that Excellent Spirit to do the same because one thing we know about life is that trouble and trials will come.

What I am encouraged by is that the Excellent Spirit has already been doing some excellent good works in me and that means there is more to come as time goes by. I have noticed how I behave in certain situations that I have struggled with. I accept I may struggle with some of these things from time to time because of the “genes” inherited from my great grandparents Adam & Eve when they ate that fruit. What I know is this Excellent Spirit can certainly override those genes because he overrides death! Hallelujah!

In these narrow London streets, I now prefer to look and see if there is a place I can stop so the other driver can pass and go. I want peace and a smile as I drive. Nothing less. Before this it would be a battle that made me question if it was the situation I was reacting to or was there something more. I prayed about it and now time after, I can see that prayer has been answered when I haven’t been keeping tabs on it the way I would say for a job interview or excellent health. While I didn’t pay close attention, it didn’t mean God stopped paying close attention because that’s the kind of God he is. Quick to forget your repented sin but will not forget your plea for help. Amen!

I used to love going out with my friends and dancing the night away. It would be a night that was sponsored by drinks and I’m not talking about soft drinks. Somewhere in my conscience and spirit I would feel guilty because I had a feeling it was clashing with my desire to shine my light for the only beautiful man who loves the world with his whole life! If there was a battle in my spiritual life, this was one area. I would like to say I prayed about it, but I didn’t. But it would bug me deep down even though on the surface I didn’t acknowledge it. I don’t know what happened exactly but what I thought was happening may have been God answering the prayer I didn’t pray because he knew it was bugging me. What a concerned God.

I remember initially, going out with my friends would be so much fun. Then later, finding people to go out with became a problem and I didn’t go out as often as I wanted to. That’s what I thought but I think the Excellent Spirit was the one working at this stage. When I would find people to go with or was invited, it was different, it wasn’t fun anymore. The crowd wasn’t the same, the music wasn’t the same. I would go again, and the same thing would happen.

One thing I hate is leaving my house to go have fun and not having fun. Then I reached my 30s and the crowd seemed so young. There was a place I went to named 1824 and I really felt the crowd was 18–24-year-olds and I just couldn’t. I needed a venue with a more mature crowd. The last time I remember going clubbing was in 2019 and it’s the company I was with and the music that made me dance, dance and have fun. 5 months later Covid entered the dance floor and my system, robbing me of my physical ability to dance.

3 years later, I am still praying to be able to dance because I love dancing, but I am not praying to go clubbing. I can’t explain it, but I have no desire to go clubbing. The thought of it doesn’t excite me, yet I remember a friend of mine and I made a pact that we will club even when we are in our 80s. If some of my friends read that second line, they would be shocked. I am also surprised this is where I am but then again, I’m not. We grow, we change and even though some may not like or accept it, it’s just ok.

When you are working towards a goal its not necessarily a surprise when you get there, because that’s what you’ve been working for. So, this tells me this is nothing but the Excellent Spirit in motion. While he was there, he also took the desire to drink, and I now drink soft drinks if I’m in a social gathering, something that is not welcomed warmly in this world and definitely not in my Kenyan culture. I didn’t set out to work on these things but God looking at the heart knew more than me and has released me from the guilt these areas would give me. God is Good, God is Great, God is the Best.

Since I made the choice to transition careers, I have noticed this boldness of wanting to do things out of my comfort zone and that right there is a sign that it’s not me but this Excellent Spirit I am talking about. The most I’ve taken risks with is when going to theme parks and riding scary rides. This boldness last year was preparing me for this year that I would be opening my own health coaching practice, something I never in a million years thought I would do. It never crossed my mind, but the Excellent Spirit knew what he was doing all along.

Last week he certainly knew what he was doing when he reminded me of a sermon that said we need to look at Jesus and not our problems. If we do this, we will see that Jesus wins every time, all the time, so if you are on his side, you already know victory is yours! This is such a game changer for me as I am a natural worry worrier. I can already see how taking this powerful approach has given me strength in this new challenging space of setting up. Time to time this Excellent Spirit will remind me of encouraging verses I’ve read and sermons I’ve heard, and I need this heavily at this stage. I want to be flooded with the Truth and Hope. I can’t afford anything less. I was born to fly and soar. I am made in the image of the Most high not apple crumble, sweet but falling apart.

I’ve gone around the sun 40 times, I don’t want to be flooded with the same thinking patterns, worries and anxieties. I definitely don’t want to approach things the same way. The Excellent Spirit has shown me he understands this, and this is why he continues to help me, counsel me through the troubles & trials of life as well as be my strategist in telling me what to do in all aspects of my life. Not only that he counsels me on how to pray because sometimes I will say a prayer and know that was NOT me!

My testimony is that when Jesus said he is sending a helper, he did not lie. He sent an Excellent helper, Excellent counsellor, Excellent comforter, Excellent strategist, Excellent creative, who is transforming my life right before my eyes. Sometimes I can see it happening, many times I just see the result of it. I am very thankful especially for the latter. There are so many people on this earth who can help you with all sorts of things. Then there is this Excellent Spirit, who is the Expert of Experts and breathes life into man and can therefore not be defeated. The best part as per the sermon I heard today said, is that the same way he was in Joseph, Samson, Daniel, helping them live through the impossible, is the same way he lives in us and is our forever Superpower. Amen!

God is Good, God is Great, God is the Best

Related Verses

Philippians 1:6

Daniel 6:22

John 14:26

Romans 8:26

Acts 1:8

Ezekiel 36:26

John 16:13

Romans 6:6

Romans 8:5

Romans 5:12

Romans 8:8

Romans 8:7-8

Psalm 37: 4

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Next post 22/7/2023



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