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Made A Way


2022 has been the year of expensive. Everything including air tickets have been something else. Trips which have previously been £300-500 during off peak season have been £1k plus. The cheaper tickets at £500-600 for some destinations, have been that way because you will end up passing through at least 2-3 continents on the way to your destination. I needed to travel in December. December is usually something else but when I checked earlier, surprisingly, the prices were better than the previous months. I made a mistake of not booking the ticket at this time, something I know very well I should do. I sort of assumed the price would remain that way. I don't even know why I would make such an assumption. By the time everything was set, and I knew for sure I needed to travel, lo and behold the prices were back to something else.

I started with the initial date I had seen the good ticket price. That date was now ridiculously expensive. This time unlike other times, I was able to choose flexible dates and chose 3 days +/- as the search allows you to. At the time I was searching for the ticket, I was self-employed as I continued with my career transition efforts. I didn't know where in my career I was going, but I was going somewhere. So, in the meantime and only short-term, I would work on a self-employed basis. The perk of this was now showing up in the ticket search. I tried the first -3 days, still expensive. Tried the next -3 and again and again and eventually the price came down to a reasonable level. This was for the outbound trip. For the inbound trip, the same thing happened. I went +3 days and again and again until eventually I got a date. The ticket price was much better, but the duration of the trip after all this multiple +/- 3 days was longer than the average statutory leave days.

I also know how most employers don’t allow you to take more than a certain number of days at a time anyway. It was also December, a busy period for most. Thankfully my career transition involved moving away from the previous environment where holidays in December were not even allowed. But still, what if a wonderful career transition opportunity came up before, what would I do? How would I explain that I had a pre-booked trip for that long. I didn’t know exactly what to pray for because I wanted to go for the trip, and I also wanted my career transition to be successful. I didn’t want one to spoil for the other. Now I see I could have just prayed with those words but sometimes, there’s just some uncertainty of how to articulate your prayer. Thank God he knows what you’re trying to say before you even discover you need to say it.

I prayed “God I don’t know how things will work out but just work things out for me”. I must also stress that by this time, I had been super actively pursuing this career transition for 6 months and was getting nowhere. I thought surely even months before the trip, I’d have found something, settled, and may be negotiated to take some days as holiday and some as working from home. I really needed something to work out because I needed to go for the trip, I needed to find a role that was not just a job, a CV place holder, and a way of sustaining my upkeep. I wanted more. I went ahead and booked the ticket, literally walking by faith, my theme for 2022.

Mungu ni nani! or Who is like God! A month later, a sequence of events led me to finally find a role that I feel is my purpose, 9 months after I made the initial choice to make a career transition. I wouldn’t need to work during the trip, I wouldn’t have to explain to anyone that I will be away for some time. I didn’t have to go through the anxious process of making a holiday request. I wouldn’t have to worry that I will miss out an opportunity because I would be going through training for my purpose-role, at the time. I didn’t have to worry about anything because God worked everything out not just as I asked, but he went over what I expected. The new role was nothing I knew about greatly, let alone considered, but it would work just perfectly with everything in my past and present.

No wonder the Excellent book says what God has put together let no one put asunder. When he brings things/people together, he does it so beautifully and for beautiful reasons, most of which we won’t know about till later and most of all, would never have seen coming. Truly he makes things work together for our good when we allow him to order our steps. Off course during that career transition “pregnancy”, I had prayed, got frustrated, shed some tears when I wasn’t arriving at my destination. A destination that I didn’t even have a clue what or how it looked like and thank God I didn’t because I would have been short-changing myself. WON’T HE DO IT!

So now I am enjoying my trip with no worries because yet again my BFF in heaven has shown, he will work EVERYTHING out for me because he is so loving, and my happiness and joy is truly his happiness and joy. He will always make a way.

Related verses:

Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:13, Matthew 19:6, Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 5:7,

Hebrews 13:5, Philippians 4:19, Psalm 103:11, Romans 8:38-39, Hebrews 13:6, Philippians 1:6

Next post: 12/12/2022

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