I've been an active FB poster since I joined in 2007. I was writing posts about anything and anything. After some time I decided I'm too active on fb and need to limit how often I post. Then when FB started showing memories of what I had posted, I realised 90% of the time I was just posting.... things that didn't need to be posted. They weren't invading my privacy but I would cringe and ask myself "Now what is this I was posting??????" and I would delete the post. This is still happening today. So I made the decision to write posts showing how God is Good and share my testimonies as I gained mini or big victories. Sometimes, I found a really funny meme or video and I would share it and this is ok, people need to laugh! So these 2 were the main posts I wanted to share on my FB page.
Then two weeks in a row I posted a testimony and something I had learnt that I wanted to share to encourage others. Then I decided how about starting a blog. It would be about my testimonies or things I have learnt from Bible reading, discussions, programmes I've watched, basically from anywhere and everywhere. Why? I believe it is important to share what you have learnt with others. I am not comfortable or at peace to learn something so powerful, lifechanging, transformational and eternal and just sit with it. I believe it is important to share with others to encourage or to give them a new way of thinking about something they already know. I wanted to make the name of the blog clear that I am not a preacher, pastor, Theology Scholar or Bible teacher. I am just a child of God learning and wanting to share with others "My Little Understanding" of my walk with Jesus. I am not an expert, I don't know everything. What little I understand I would like to share with you. Also, in sharing my little understanding, I am not even trying to say I am perfect, that is not possible.
Like many I am waiting and praying for the Second coming of Jesus. This world is too much. Many are suffering in so many ways. But that's just one part of the suffering. They don't know they are personally connected to the source of Life who will help them, strengthen them and uphold them with His victorious right hand. Why? coz they haven't heard of this Divine Lifeline that will sustain them through all their troubles. They don't know that there is a Super Natural source of help that makes sure that the same way Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were rescued from a fire, where the temperature of the furnace was increased SEVEN times over, and did not burn at all, they too will be rescued and will not "burn" no matter what life throws at them. Most importantly the second coming can only happen once the message has reached every corner. God is a fair God. How can He send His son to come and take the judgement seat and judge those who never even heard the message. So this is also my little attempt to play my part as others do theirs, to spread the message of God's Love and Care for every human being in this world. As I am learning, I welcome your comments and thoughts.
I look forward to sharing with you "My Little Understanding".
#GodIsGood #LaughterIsNecessary #Share #Encourage #Testimonies #Victory #SmallVictories #BigVictories #Testimony #ReadYourBibleEveryday #InspirationIsEverywhere #SharedLearning #Peace #Comfort #Powerful #Lifechanging #Transformational #Eternal #Lifechanging #Perspective #Preacher #Pastor #Theology #Theologian #Teacher #GodsChild #GodsPlan #MyLittleUnderstanding #LittleUnderstanding #Understanding #SecondComing #Suffering #SourceOfLife #Strengthen #Help #VictoriousRightHand #Victorious #RightHand #DivineLifeline #Sustainer #Troubles #SuperNatural #ShadrackMeshackAbednego #Fire #Temperature #Furnace #SevenTimes #Burn #EveryCorner #JustGod #JudgementSeat #Judgement #Message #Gospel #SpreadLove #LearningTogether #GodsLove #GodLovesYou #GodLovesEveryone
Associated Bible Verses:
Psalm 96:3, Mark16:15, John 14:1-3, 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17, Luke 21:34-36, Revelation 22:12, Isaiah 41:10, Daniel 3:19-26, Mark 13:10, 2nd Corinthians 5:10, John 5:22, John 3:16,
Keep at it my dear sister. You are a blessing indeed.
Thank you so much for being open and sharing your journey/testimonies and being a blessing to all
Awesome piece from you Tracy.
I am aligned to how well you have put together your thoughts and yes, everyone can do their part towards spreading the message.
Been doing quite a bit of this lately even as I travel and meet total strangers...something I considered unthinkable couple of years ago.
Thank you so much for just taking the time to make a difference from your own little corner. We need to be the change we want to see..and that's just about what you are doing!!
Love this Tracy well done