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Where Did It Start?


Yesterday I asked God to wake me up at 10am. He woke me up at 9.59am. I was jazzed then again I wasn't. This happens to me many times and I decided this is definitely worth sharing like I do with the "Big" prayers.

Imagine If I continued to ask God to wake me up at a certain time. I wouldn't need my alarm clock to wake me up and I would be waking up with a wide smile on my face because He did it again. This would be far better than my current reaction, which if seen would leave you thinking, "what did that poor phone do to her". Thankfully my phone is from the beautiful Samsung family so the ringtone is not as dramatic as the other system that is in the family of the food type Eve ate in the garden.

But really what if I was able to trust that if I ask God for something simple as waking me up at a particular time, He really will do it. What would this do for my faith? What medium, big and super size things would I then trust him for? Did Abraham, Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, Abednego and Peter when he stepped out in faith and walked on water, all start Big? Where did it start?

I don't know where they started but look how we don't even realise what things or who we place our full trust in. Honestly do I trust a small phone that weighs 163g, is 8.5mm thick, has a 64GB memory, has a 12MP is it picture quality, or whatever MP measures, a 5.8inch screen and a Li-Ion battery to keep its little life going, more than I trust God?

If I trust this gadget which going by BlackBerry will one day be obsolete-ish, more than I trust the God of infinite wisdom, eternal life, who doesn't need a Li-Ion battery, is mighty and stronger than all forces of all the living things put together and still they would be short, something is very wrong. How can I compare God to a phone and thus put my trust more in the phone than this amazing God. The God of deep unconditional love, that we don't even fully understand, the kind you will never see or feel from any human being (nop not even your mama), even if they combined the global population of 8 billion at this point.

The God who remembers where you've been better than that memory of yours which has blocked somethings for your protection or hasn't been supplemented by Ginkgo. The God who at the same time doesn't remember your sins when you confess them because he blots them out. The God who can see not just clearly but to infinity, meaning he knows exactly what will happen on November 30th 2023 at 1855 to the smallest atom, because heck! he created everything and everyone and their mama.

The God whose hands are wide enough to hold the whole world of 8 billion in his hands very comfortable and with Victory for each of those 8 billion. The God who will never die, never go flat, doesn't need to be charged. The God who is ageless and doesn't need any night or day serum or L'Oréal worth-itness because He created worth itself and put that in us. Kwenda kabisa (go away) L'Oreal for trying to sell us something that we were already born with, off course I am worth it because God said so!

Anyhu, The God who doesn't need the tech guy on the high street to put some life in to him, doesn't need to be upgraded or updated because he is the same strong, marvellous, supremely, extra-ordinary, supernatural ONLY living God that has been, is and will be for eternity.

Jesus said "Only believe". A beg, let me start with my alarm clock.

Where will you start?

Related Verses

Psalm 56:3, Mark 5:36, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 143:8, 1 John5:14, Matthew 6:26, Psalm 118:8, John 14:1



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