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You really don't know


Updated: Oct 15, 2022

I joined a coaching group on FB to network and get tips as I begin this new career path. Like any other FB or social media group, it was hot and active when it was and then...silence. One day I see a post from a coach asking for help. I sent her a DM, saying I could help. We synchronise our schedules to have a Zoom the week after.

On the day, she messaged me to ask if we were still on. I looked at the time and realised I had forgotten that I'd changed the time, and hadn't added the new time to my calendar. (If I don't add appointments to my phone’s a wrap.) I messaged her back and said I was coming on. Thank goodness I was only 5 minutes late. She was looking for feedback on her coaching skills, so we had a coaching session with me as the client. I gave her a personal issue we could work on during the session.

The session quickly turned from me helping her to her helping me in a profound and surprising way. She challenged me, she made me think of things I hadn't thought about, reassured me, and gave me a strategy to work on to resolve the issue behind the issue. I felt so good! What surprised me is how she was able to get me to come up with the solution myself. How was this possible when earlier in the day at the gym, this same same issue made me literally pause my cycling, as I stared deep into the horizon (the cycles face a huge glass window) wondering how I was going to work this out. I just didn't know what to do. I was even getting emotional about it. I said a prayer.

The thing is, I don't even know what kind of prayer it was because I would start praying about the issue, rehash the scenario at the same time and what I would possibly say to the people involved, remember I was praying, come back to the prayer, rehash the scenario again and go through that cycle, for some minutes. In the end, I was like "aki God I don't even know what I need or what I should ask for, but I need peace in this situation". I think even after saying this sentence, I may have gone through that cycle of "confused" prayer again. Lord have mercy!

And the thing is He did! (And thank God He listens to any kind of crooked prayer, Thank you Jesus.) So here I was, later in the day, speaking to a total stranger on Zoom, thinking I’m the one helping her… but God already knew before I scheduled that Zoom, where I would be on that day. So the week before, I'm thinking I'm setting a date when "I'll be free", God is like mmhmm you don't even know! For the last two months I have really come to realise nothing we do is ever random.

There is a reason why we are doing what we are doing and it’s not why we think we are doing it. God knows how to mix them and gather them, i.e., work out everything together and execute this bigger picture of his, because he has plans for good specially for you and not plans for evil. He also knows how to use anyone (known or unknown to you) to help you amazingly. Me I thought I was helping a colleague; God knew from time before! I was going to be in a place where I would need this lovely coach's help all the way from the Czech Republic. Me I didn't know anyone in Czech, but now thanks to God I do.

And as He was working in my life, God was also working in the coach’s life. One key word from my session with her was the word BOLD. I don’t know her religious background but she messaged me to say thanks for helping her and how she believed the session was “really guided by something higher” because that same day she had created some content on….wait for it, wait for it….Boldness! LOOK AT GOD!

This is what is meant by God orders your steps. He knows where you are now and where you will be tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow. Us we don't know and really have no idea. We think we are just doing things, but really, we are not. God is working behind the scenes and just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean he is not up to something. I LOVE it! If you use the free will he has given you - that one of choosing him or not choosing him- here I must say, I am very "biased" and really don't know why you wouldn't chose him.

Anyway, if you use the POWER that you have that is your free will, and chose to let him guide you with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING... not that you give Him your career but not your social life including your dating life, you give Him your relationships ( friends, relatives, work, romantic, marriage etc) but not the business, side hustle or your hobbies, yep hobbies too, you give him your health but not that thing that is troubling you that you haven't even told a soul about. If you give him your LIFE in its whole existence, “aki God, just take my life coz me I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t where I’m going, just take it coz …ya just take it”, I promise you in Jesus name, he will blow you out and blow you away. Don't try to do it yourself because, You really don't know.

Related Verses: Romans 8:26-28, Psalm 37:23-24, Proverbs 16:9,Proverbs 20:24, Proverbs 19:21, Isaiah 48:17, 1 John 5:14-15, Psalm 34:8, Jeremiah 29:11-13, James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 55:8-9, John 14:6, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:6-7, Revelation 3:20.

Next post: 16/10/2022

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